Become A Money Collector

Happy New Year everyone! Wish you all the happiness! Now I want to tell you about one of my hobbies: to collect money. Well, who doesn’t like money? I guess everyone does. But in this case, I think I should say it… to collect currencies or “foreign money”. I just learned that this hobby is also called as Numismatics (the study or collection of currency, including coins, tokens, paper money, and related objects). 

It started since a long time ago, when the first time I traveled abroad. I was traveled to Malaysia and Singapore. Even they are our neighbors, but we have different currency, Indonesia has Rupiah, Malaysia has Ringgit, and Singapore has Dollars. To be able to survive there, of course I need to have their money. Briefly, I decided to collect some of them as a reminder that I’ve been there.

Apparently this thing does not stop there. After that, every time I get a chance for the new collection, I will take it. For example, when my parents have Riyal from Saudi Arabia and US Dollar, I take several of them and put it inside my wallet alongside Ringgit, Singapore Dollar, and of course Rupiah. I know it would be useless because I couldn’t use it anyway in Indonesia, but I don’t know, I just like it.

Now I am living in Russia for more than a year, I make a lot of friends here, not only Russian, but also from the other countries. It means that I have more chances to collect more money. It works. Sometimes my friend give me their national money or sometimes I ask them, of course not everyone, I will consider first who I can ask for. As the result, now I have more than 10 different currencies in my wallet.

At first I did it to remind me of the countries I’ve been visited, but now it also can be a reminder that I have a good friend from that countries or even become a motivation that someday I will visit the countries. By the way, when I was a school boy, I really liked geography, I tried to remember the name of capital city from every countries, their epithets, including their currencies. That’s why I feel so happy to collect them, even just for a small amount. I know that I could buy it anyway, I just need to go to the money changer and buy it, but of course it will be so boring and easy.

Money also serves as the identity of the countries. They have their own design, not only the nominal, and you can learn something by looking at the money. Commonly, they will put their national hero, first leader or president, historical place, or anything. I like to compare them, and also talk about which one has the best design, the best material, the most look like money (?), etc.

For me, Dollars from Singapore and Hong Kong are look so interesting. You will feel something different while rubbing your hands in these money. The materials are also special, like, who could manipulate this money?? They also look so futuristic, or something like that which show us that Singapore and Hong Kong are modern countries with high technology. But, some of my friends said that Singapore’s money look like a toy, or like a money from monopoly. To be honest I couldn’t agree more with them about this. One side, this money shows us Yusuf bin Ishak, the first president of Singapore, but on the other side, we can see the picture of people who do sports, like football, badminton, and more, maybe it shows the popular sports there, but yeah it makes this money look alike money in monopoly games. About the design of Hong Kong 10 Dollars, honestly I don’t know what it means, maybe someone who knows art or architecture will understand better.

The next one is Dong, from Vietnam, I got this one from my good friend in Tyumen. It Is 2000 Dong. From all the money I have now, I think this money will be the easiest money to manipulate by people. I don’t know yet about the other nominal, but in this one, the material and the design make it look like a usual paper we use in daily activities. Ok, I mean HVS paper. And also it doesn’t have any special material or design like hologram, something transparent, or anything else that shows the authenticity of the money.

i have no idea what is this pic

all money should have something like these

US Dollar, I think we can get it in any country, I have One USD in my wallet, I put it because this money is so interesting, and become phenomenal after many people discover that there is a picture of one-eye inside the triangle that look alike a symbol of Illuminati, Conspiracy Theory and bla bla bla. About the design, I think there is nothing special.

The other money are generally the same, I mean, it must be the picture of their hero, their culture, nature, or popular place. But I need to be proud of the money from my country, because they put our map on it. I just find it in Indonesian and Kazakh money for now.

Actually, I also like to collect the old money from my country which already expired and no longer produced. I have the old 500 Rupiah, it is a good money actually, with the picture of Orangutan as a national animal of Indonesia and a traditional home of East Kalimantan. Also, you can see the picture of a hero when you put the money over the light, it will make this money hard to be manipulated by people.



If anyone also has the same desire and hobby to collect money as I do, I would like to exchange my money with yours, I have Indonesian money, I can give it directly to you or send it by post. :)
