My Lovely Tyumen and Bandung

Firstly I want to tell you about Tyumen, this city was the first Russian settlement in Siberia, it was 430 years ago! Some people even call Tyumen as “The Gate of Siberia”. On the other hand, this city is also the first city which I lived in Russia, there are a lot of memories I have there. I studied Russian language at Prepatory Faculty in Tyumen State University. It was so amazing, I remember that the first time I came to Tyumen, the only phrases I know was “Privet” (Hi), “Spasiba” (Thank you), “Odin dwa tri..” (One two three), until then I can communicate in basic Russian and also have so many good friends there.

I arrived in Tyumen on 26th October 2016, and it was exactly my 23rd birthday! What a lucky me, I celebrated my birthday in different cities and countries: Bandung, Jakarta, Abu Dhabi, Moscow, and Tyumen. And the temperature was 0oC, in Indonesia, we just can feel this coldness mostly on the top of mountains. In the city, I guess 25oC is already cold for us. We arrived to our dormitory around 10 pm, so we didn’t do many things. We just checked in and wrote some documents, and we went to eat together, to celebrate my birthday. I got new friends on my first hours there, from Russia, USA, and Mongolia.

Our dormitory was good, I like it, and the most important… it was cheap! About 700 rubles for a month, before came there I was live in Jakarta and the price of my room was around 4000 rubles for a month (only a damn bedroom). In Tyumen I had my own kitchen, bathroom, refrigerator, and there were 4 beds in the bedroom. And I was the first one who came on that periode, so for several days I lived alone, oh what a heaven. The first view when I woke up at the first time there was the beautiful sky and old buildings! It is unforgettable.

Secondly I want to tell you about Bandung, this is my hometown, the place where I was born and lived for about 22 years! My families are there, also many of my friends of course. This city is one of the biggest city in Indonesia, it is located not so far from the capital city, around 3 or 4 hours if you are lucky enough and didn’t got stuckin the traffic jam lol.

There is a place in Tyumen that always remind me about my hometown, it is “The Bridge of Lovers”, in Bandung we have “Pasupati Bridge”. So, in this post I want to compare between these two lovely cities in several aspects. I could say that my life in these cities is completely different.
Bridge of Lovers 

Let’s start with the population, in Tyumen there are only 700 thousands people, and in Bandung, there are approximately 2.5 million people. See? What a different. That’s why in Bandung you can easily find people anywhere, and traffic jam is your friend. Tyumen is very friendly for the pedestrians, you can see a lot of people walk in the street, riding bicycle, skateboard, or anything else. In Bandung, you need to have extra patience if you decide to go anywhere by foot, the weathes isn’t so friendly. One thing I like in Tyumen, I could go anywhere by foot without getting sweat or hot. Yeah it was very cold sometimes, but I could face it with extra clothes. This condition leads people in Bandung to use car or motorcycle anywhere, even that a place is located less than 500 meters, what a pity.

If it’s about the nature, I think Bandung has more interesting and beautiful places than Tyumen. There are several mountains and volcano around my hometown, and also has so many spot for tourism destination. I guess Tyumen is not a main destination for tourist in Russia. But there is a very beautiful place in Tyumen, it is an embankment near the Bridge of Lovers. We can see the beauty of Tura River there, we also can eat at the floating restaurant (in the ship) and explore some areas on the river. In Bandung, there also a beautiful river called Cikapundung, but unfortunately the activities and waste from some industries are polluting it. Now it become one of the most polluted river in the world.

About the people, both of Bandung or Tyumen have a lot of hospitalite and nice people. Actually, for the people in Bandung it’s not that weird if you smile to the other, even you don’t know them. In Tyumen (generally in Russia), I think it’s something weird. For example, if you come to a mini market in Bandung, the cashier or workers there will greet you and smile to you and treat you well. In Tyumen, when you go to the mini market, after you paid your things, they don’t even put it to the plastic, sometimes they throw them off lol.

However, I love them both.

The view from my room

The church and the tree

City Park

Somehow they look similar, but the size are very different
You can see how crowded my hometown is
